Monday 3 September 2012

So.. What do I really Do?

I think one of the most common question someone get's asked is simply, "So, what do you do for a living?". Seems like a simple question, which ideally, would warrant a simple answer. However, it took me four months at my full time job with tbk Creative, before I was finally forced to come up with a title for what I do, and that's just the title. With all of the emerging technologies, there have been equal numbers of new job titles. I settled on something that I thought would help explain things a little better; Conversion Expert. Still shrugging your shoulders? I'll explain.

Essentially my job is to take an new idea, like a website or social media, and show a business how it is actually useful for them in growing their business. So where do conversions come into play? Well, anytime someone does something on your website that deem valuable to growing your business, that's a conversion. What conversions are can widely vary from a simple purchase on a site, to registering for a charity run. What I do, is utilize the tools at my disposal and increase those.

The internet can really be a confusing place. With so much information accessible at any time, picking what's important can be challenging. The true test of a successful website has become beyond just having a nice looking website, but has moved into the realm of having a website that you use as a tool. Yes, we've had websites for a long time, but it's really only been in the past few years that we have been able to study how people interact with those websites, and improve on them so interaction has become easier.

So where do I fit in? I'm your websites equivalent of a city planner. I make sure that the store what you want people to find isn't buried in some dark corner at the end of town. Once they get into the store, I make sure they find what they are looking for and help grow your business.

Still not sure what I'm talking about? Check out some of the websites I've worked on at and notice the difference.

What I'm Listening to This Week:
Polica - Give you the Ghost

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