Monday 14 May 2012

What is Success?

I remember having this conversation with a friend of mine in University. The idea that happiness was paramount, and so long as we could enjoy what we are doing, that was all that mattered. He's now in culinary school, because he realized that it was what actually made him happy.

I'm lucky at this point in my life that I have the opportunity to do what I love to do, with two of my best friends. I've known both these guys basically my entire life, even though we all went in different directions for school, somehow we all ended up working together. Life's kinda crazy like that.

Life for me, has always been about the little things. I've never been one that wanted the crazy big car, or huge house, so when it comes to success for me, I think simply going to work, doing what you love to do, with people that are awesome, well, that's pretty snazzy to me.

Yes... that is corn. 
Success for me though, doesn't stop when the clock does. I was lucky enough to find someone that understood my sense of humor. Now, for some of you more clever folks out there, there may be an abundance of people out there that get your jokes; ask anyone that knows me, I only got one. So I married her.

Don't be fooled though; simply because my success isn't primarily focused on money doesn't mean I'm not competitive. The exact opposite is true. I am incredibly competitive, it's just I am competitive at doing the best work I can possibly do, and being the best at what I do. The problem is that I chose something that is ever changing. Digital strategy is something that changes every hour of every day. That's why I love it.

So I guess to me success is having a roof over my head, a home filled with laughter, work that is rewarding for its impact, and coworkers that are fun to work with.

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