Monday 28 May 2012

Columbus. Darwin. Gagarin. Zuckerberg. Clemens?

Christopher Columbus was believed to have been in his early 30s when he began planning his voyage search of India, and instead found a whole new world. Charles Darwin was in his early 20s when the historic "Voyage of the Beagle" took place; a historic journey to the Galapagos islands that would change Darwin, and science forever. Yuri Gagarin was in his mid twenties when he became the first human to orbit the earth. Mark Zuckerberg was barely in his early twenties when he created Facebook, and last week, and the ripe old age of 28, his estimated net worth was $19.1 billion. Last week I, at the tender age of 24, built a shelf in my kitchen.

Ok... so that might seem like the most inspiring bit of information, but let me get to my point. I have had this speech with three of my friends now, who were all setting off for their great adventures. While taking a risk on something might seem like a daring and daunting task, why not see it as your own great Columbus voyage? Your Darwin moment? Were these individuals any different then you or me? I would argue not. I think everyone has the capacity for greatness, and it's all about seizing the opportunity when you get the chance.
There is more to it than that of course. If you have read Malcolm Gladwell you would know the idea that success is not merely about effort, but also has a great deal of luck involved. Had Bill Gates not been able to access a computer at a time when they were incredibly rare he would never had been able to gather the skills to be successful. Columbus wasn't just some guy with a boat, he was believed to have started sailing as early as 10 years old. I remember a quote with George Stroumboulopolous where he talked about not just being in the right place at the right time, but also having the right skills. While surely it is great to have the opportunity for greatness, what if you don't have the skills to pull it off?

A great example of this is every musicians's dream story. In 1973, a 19 year old Scott Haplin had gone to see The Who play. Keith Moon, as notorious for his ability to ingest copious amounts of alcohol and drugs as his drumming, decided on this occasion to ingest horse tranquilizers. Let me say that again, horse tranquilizers. Anyways, of course after a few terribly executed songs, Moon of course collapsed on his drum kit. Then comes the dream, the band calls out for anyone who can play the remaining songs. Haplin's friend volunteered him for the duty, and he was picked out of the crowd and finished the set. What if Haplin didn't know how to play the drums? I know this seems like a silly question, but I'm just trying to make the point of keeping your skills honed because you never know when your opportunity for greatness will come.

Worth millions.... Thinks horse tranquilizers are ideal for recreational drug use
The point of this is to never give up on your dreams. Sometime's they may seem more trouble than their worth, but don't give up. What if Columbus had just decided to go fishing instead of getting lost and "discovering" a new world? While it might seem easier sometimes just to stay home, take a chance. Keep your skills and knowledge of your craft at their peak, and when the opportunity arises, or when you make your own opportunity, seize it.

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