Wednesday 28 December 2011

First Post

I've thought about writing a blog for a long time. Finally I decided that I was over thinking the whole thing; conceptualizing things in my head that I never actually carried out.

Writing a blog for me is about applying many of the concepts that I preach every day. As a digital media strategist I always tell people how important, and easy it is to get involved in all forms of social media. However, for some reason I just never thought I had enough to say to actually start a blog.

That statement may be something that I look back at in irony in a few months if this remains untouched except for tonight, however, I hope that isn't the case.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Congrats on starting a blog. You are definitely a blogging-kinda guy. I look forward to checking back for your interesting commentary on life :) Welcome to the club.
